Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bottoms up.... up and away

Foster's, Mc.Donalds, Smirnoff, Kingfisher, Tequila shot, 'Three fourth vodka, one fourth lime'...
Ten years
Go hang yourself. It's quick and easy.

Cost of liquor for 10 years :

Lemma 1 : Cost of one bottle of hard drink remains constant for the next 10 years(Irrespective of inflation, that is).

Lemma 2 : 2 bottles per week.

Cost per bottle : Rs. 120
After 10 years(That is, 10 years prior to death) :
Rs.1,24,800(In words : One lakh twenty four thousand eight hundred only).

Now let's get to the other side of the equation:

Cost of acquiring ropes : Rs. 100
Cost of 'nothing else' : Rs.2
Total cost : Rs.102.

Yes. The second one is cheaper, better and works faster.

I have a feeling that non teetotalers are DUMB.
There are two types of drinkers :

1) Tyro : One who drinks because he is with a group of drunkards.
2) Expert : Who forces a tyro saying "Child thara adbeda. C'mon, have a sip".

Both must be shot in the hair. The former for being stupid and fickle minded and the latter... you know why.

I really feel sorry when a person takes his/her first sip just because of the continuous taunting/ridiculing/mocking by the hoi-polloi. I stand witness to 3 such victims. Next time they are among one such group, they don't think twice. Once done is done, they say. Result : Bottoms up. When someone does this to me, "Know thy limits", I say to myself. It works.

Why did I have to post this? Hmmm... Well, last week I had been to a resort from my company $$$. I was walking down a corridor when I saw a very cute child(about 8 years young) sitting opposite a restroom/washroom all alone, staring at something. "Hello, Gooooood morning", I wished her. There was no response. Ah! One more taciturn child, I thought. She had fixed her eye on something to her right . I followed her gaze to find a mug of beer convinently placed next to her on the other side. I was struck with shock. The mug was half full and the girl was left there to look after the smelling substance. I mean, an 8 year child next to a beer mug!? What the.... What is this world coming to? Some demented, weirdo father it must be, I thought.

Two minutes later, the head of my department at $$$ walked out smiling :( Now whenever I see him, I am reminded of the poor little innocent girl. Shame on such people.

If you are one of those types who drinks just for kicks, give it up or get into a rehab. Else, spend Rs.102.


Blogger Harish said...

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12:02 AM  
Blogger Harish said...

Dear Sir,
Despite no elicitation for my opinion on the subject matter of this post, I would like to comment that I, Harish Kumar N, fully agree with what you have articulated here.
Thank You.

12:37 AM  
Blogger Arjun Sharma said...

No, non-teetotallers are not dumb. People who drink themselves out of their gourds are dumb.

And there's a third category of 'drinkers' too(there may be more, don't know):- those who drink just to see what it's like. And nothing else.

Of course, I agree it all starts off that way and, before you know it, if you're not a normal person, you might end up with advanced liver cirrhosis.

But really, being so strongly opinionated against people who drink, even very infrequently, is actually, ironically, unhealthy for you.

[Harish]You would agree with him. Both of you are being rather judgemental in this matter. And, don't deny it, being rather smugly proud of yourselves that you don't drink/haven't drunk yet. Come on, admit it, you are, aren't you??? :)

12:54 PM  
Blogger Harish said...

[Arjun]He, he, in a way Yes. And rightly so. 'Teetotalism is the philosophy I proudly subscribe to' androo tappaagalla. Adu sari, even you were a teetotaller until very recently. Drinking half a mug of beer once doesn't differentiate you much from a teetotaller.
Hege, point haakide? Respond now.

8:03 PM  
Blogger swaroop said...

[Arjun] He he... Yes. I am proud. I am so proud that I refused an appointment with Wodeyar last week.

I somehow feel that people who drink are 'spoilt' or have a 'fickle mind'. And yes, being strongly opinionated in such matters is bad, I know. I still have to learn to be more broadminded. But I couldn't resist writing this one after I saw the little girl.

4:49 AM  
Blogger Arjun Sharma said...

[Harish]Judging by the broad swathe of opinions about the matter, it would seem that the correct word is 'teetotalitarianism,' rather than 'teetotalism.'

[Swaroop]You are biased. The 'fickle-minded' and 'spoilt' adjectives are uncalled for.

Wodeyar is a fat-ass(See how broad-minded I am?). You were right to refuse an appointment.

9:19 PM  
Blogger Sandeep said...

You are talking about things you have not experienced and things you have no idea about. You are writing only what you have read about drinking. Driking, occasionally is a wonderful thing.

You should experience it, atleast for the sake of it, before you can make these statements.

Mr Harish, same applies to you too.

I don't see why you see drinking as a social stigma. May be you are too influenced by the stupid ads against drinking that used to air on DD-1 10 years ago just before the serials ('Kuditadinda baalu nashwara' types).

Social driking is fine. And getting drunk once in a while is fine too, if you ask me.

Drinking and driving, however, is not cool.

8:36 PM  
Blogger swaroop said...

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1:15 PM  
Blogger swaroop said...

[Sandeep] Ah! I wouldn't want to do something which is known to be 'bad'.

I need not experience something before making a statement. When the whole world says "It's bad", then, "It's bad"(Unless the person is a dolt who wants to learn it the hard way)

If we can't learn from others' mistakes, we keep repeating the same thing over and over again.

Social drinking helps in building better contacts, some say. Well, I can do without it.

You are getting defensive, I think.

1:20 PM  
Blogger Harish said...

Swaroop has hit the nail right on its head. Well said gentleman.

1:42 AM  
Blogger Arjun Sharma said...

Kudiyore vaasi, heegella sum-sumne hogi ellara tale mele nail ella hodiyalla.

10:55 AM  
Blogger Arjun Sharma said...

When the whole world says "It's bad", then, "It's bad"

This is a bad argument.

10:56 AM  
Blogger Harish said...

[Arjun]Naaven ellra tale mele nail hoDeyalla? ee ondu ninna non-teetotaller-chauvinism nanage ishta aagtilla.

7:54 PM  
Blogger swaroop said...

[Arjun] It's a good argument. It's cool to say "The world is not always right. Go against it and try" -- Totally radical, but only to listen.

10:43 AM  
Blogger Aneesh said...

Having been a teetotalist all my life, and having been heavily judgemental for a long long time, about it, I just got to say this thing: Thou shalt drink or not is not my worry. For me, it's a different way of getting a kick. Like, "Hey , I don't drink. It's cool. I can actually keep myself away from something, so seemingly, a nice thing" "Man, it's rocking to stay away from zymology (except maybe curds)" "DoOd, I am keeping my brain cells intact"

Anyways, this keeps me feeling good about teetotalism all the time:

(Incidentally the best entertainers of 21th Century are teetotallers: Bush & Osama. Neat.) (Shakira is a teetotaller. Yeah, hips don't lie, you know?)

11:14 AM  

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